
Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /data/web/b7/3e/2d/ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/support/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 85 Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /data/web/b7/3e/2d/ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/support/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 90
  • Etat Closes
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  • Type de ticket Bug Report
  • Catégorie
  • Assignée à Personne
  • Système d'exploitation All/Tous
  • Sévérité Basse
  • Priorité Normale
  • Basée sur la version 5.04.01
  • Due pour la version Non décidé
  • Date d'échéance Non décidé
  • Votes 0
  • Privée Non
Concerne le projet: oStorybook
Ouverte par favdb (favdb) - 2018-06-24
Dernière édition par favdb (favdb) - 2019-04-20

FS#100 - Name changes

from donedwards

This is in two parts.

Part the first: in the course of a story, a person's name changes. The most common case nowadays is when people marry.

Part the second: in the course of a story, a name moves from one person to another. When Lord Wherever dies, his son becomes Lord Wherever - the name is the same but the person is different - while continuing

In principle, either version can occur multiple times. And a person can have multiple names simultaneously. (Including names like Mother.)

Can these be provided for?

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Close par  favdb (favdb)
samedi, 20 avril 2019, 18:48 GMT
La raison de la clôture est:  Won't implement
Commentaires supplémentaires de clôture:  To more complexe.
