
Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /data/web/b7/3e/2d/ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/support/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 85 Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /data/web/b7/3e/2d/ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/support/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 90
  • Etat Closes
  • Pourcentage achevé:
  • Type de ticket Bug Report
  • Catégorie
  • Assignée à Personne
  • Système d'exploitation All/Tous
  • Sévérité Basse
  • Priorité Normale
  • Basée sur la version 5.04.01
  • Due pour la version 6.00
  • Date d'échéance Non décidé
  • Votes 0
  • Privée Non
Concerne le projet: oStorybook
Ouverte par favdb (favdb) - 2018-06-24
Dernière édition par favdb (favdb) - 2020-06-23

FS#95 - Scene list behavior

From donedwards

Set the Scene list to display the Narrator column, and the program nearly comes to a halt.

In one project I use the "Occurs" and "days after" fields heavily. When I close and reopen the project, it remembers that I want the "Occurs" field in that list, but forgets to show the "days after" field. It should remember both selections.

It would be nice if the order and width of colums would also be remembered through closing and reopening. For that matter, it would be nice if they would be remembered through clicking the "refresh" button on that list.

The Scene list is one place in particular where it would be nice if the user could sort on more than one field. In similar situations from my days as a programmer, how it's handled is to remember what fields are currently being sorted by. Then when the user asks for a new sort field: (1) go through the existing list of sort fields and, if the new field is there, remove it; (2) if the list is overly long, drop the last field; (3) stick the new sort field at the beginning of the list; (4) now sort.

V6 à vérifier

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Close par  favdb (favdb)
mardi, 23 juin 2020, 16:36 GMT
La raison de la clôture est:  Implemented
Commentaires supplémentaires de clôture:  version 5.05.00
