- Etat Closes
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- Type de ticket Feature Request
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- Assignée à Personne
- Système d'exploitation All/Tous
- Sévérité Basse
- Priorité Normale
- Basée sur la version 5.04.01
- Due pour la version Non décidé
- Date d'échéance Non décidé
- Votes 0
- Privée Non
Concerne le projet: oStorybook
Ouverte par favdb (favdb) - 2018-06-24
Dernière édition par favdb (favdb) - 2020-06-23
Ouverte par favdb (favdb) - 2018-06-24
Dernière édition par favdb (favdb) - 2020-06-23
FS#97 - Sorting and grouping of Items on the tab in a Scene or Relationship
From donedwards
Currently the sorting is by name, but then the items are grouped by category.
Thus, the categories are in random order and may repeat.
Also, if the first two items aren't in the same category, then the category heading isn't put in front of the first item.
Recommend sorting by category and then name. And check what's causing the first-item bug.
Currently the sorting is by name, but then the items are grouped by category.
Thus, the categories are in random order and may repeat.
Also, if the first two items aren't in the same category, then the category heading isn't put in front of the first item.
Recommend sorting by category and then name. And check what's causing the first-item bug.
This task does not depend on any other tasks.
Close par favdb (favdb)
mardi, 23 juin 2020, 16:35 GMT
La raison de la clôture est: Implemented
Commentaires supplémentaires de clôture: version 5.05.00
mardi, 23 juin 2020, 16:35 GMT
La raison de la clôture est: Implemented
Commentaires supplémentaires de clôture: version 5.05.00