
Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /data/web/b7/3e/2d/ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/support/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 85 Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /data/web/b7/3e/2d/ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/support/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 90
  • Etat Closes
  • Pourcentage achevé:
  • Type de ticket Bug Report
  • Catégorie
  • Assignée à Personne
  • Système d'exploitation All/Tous
  • Sévérité Basse
  • Priorité Normale
  • Basée sur la version 5.04.01
  • Due pour la version 6.00
  • Date d'échéance Non décidé
  • Votes 0
  • Privée Non
Concerne le projet: oStorybook
Ouverte par favdb (favdb) - 2018-06-24
Dernière édition par favdb (favdb) - 2020-04-21

FS#99 - Locations tab - can it be made hierarchical?

from donedwards

Rather than the current:

location with no city, country, etc.
- Country 1
-- location with no city
- Country 2
-- location with no city
- City A, Country 2
-- location with no Where
- City B, Country 1
-- neighborhood (with no Where)
- City C, Country 2
-- location with no Where
- Neighborhood, City B, Country 1
-- building (its Where is neighborhood)
- Building, Neighborhood, City B, Country 1
-- room

Could we instead have

location with no city, country, etc.
- Country 1
-- City B
--- Neighborhood
---- Building
---- Room
- Country 2
-- City A
---- location
-- City B
---- location

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Close par  favdb (favdb)
mardi, 21 avril 2020, 08:08 GMT
La raison de la clôture est:  Fixed
Commentaires supplémentaires de clôture:  V6
