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01/12/2016 12:43
by Lena



I'm currently translating Storybook into German and I have some questions concerning several words of which the meaning/context was unclear to me:

- Tab orientation/Tab direction: what is the difference between them?
-what do you mean by "flip" in "flip orientation"? to reverse the orientation?
-in which context does "mirror" occur?
-address: In which context does this occur and is it the noun or the verb "address" which is meant?
-what does "function is in beta" mean?
-abbreviations: what does DS stand for?
-what is the "icon file"? is it a file containing and explaining icons one uses in their book?
-what do you mean by "height factor"?
-in which context does ID occur?
-what exactly is meant by "scale layout"?
-in which context do "tag"(s) and "tags links" occur and what exactly is meant by them?
-in which context does "tree" occur? Do you mean the plant or possibly something figurative, such as a family tree?

These are my first questions, I will probably have more.k
Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Best regards,
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Answer n° 1
01/12/2016 13:33
by favdb



Hello Lena, welcome aboard.

- Tab orientation/Tab direction: what is the difference between them?
Tab direction is where to see Tab (up, right, left, down), Tab orientation is to set vertical or horizontal text in the tabs.

-what do you mean by "flip" in "flip orientation"? to reverse the orientation?

-in which context does "mirror" occur?
Defined in Infonode module but not used in oStorybook

-address: In which context does this occur and is it the noun or the verb "address" which is meant?
Mailing address of a location

-what does "function is in beta" mean?
The called function is in beta state, not in reliable state

-abbreviations: what does DS stand for?
Default Strand

-what is the "icon file"? is it a file containing and explaining icons one uses in their book?
It is the name of an image file.

-what do you mean by "height factor"?
For zooming in view this is the zoom factor

-in which context does ID occur?
ID means identity, it is an internal unique number to identify an object in the database

-what exactly is meant by "scale layout"?
Defined but never used, you can ommit

-in which context do "tag"(s) and "tags links" occur and what exactly is meant by them?
Tag is a database object to define something like a special note, tag links is an other way to define relationship between a tag and a person (character)

-in which context does "tree" occur? Do you mean the plant or possibly something figurative, such as a family tree?
Tree is an abbreviation of hierachical tree. The "Tree view" is one of the most importante view in oStorybook.
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Answer n° 2
01/12/2016 17:04
by Lena



Thank you very much for your quick response, which helped me a lot.

I found some more things I was unsure about:

-first of all, I forgot to ask if I should keep the abbreviation DS or use the initials of my German translation instead.
-"format to export": Does this mean the user has to choose a format in which he wants to export the data, or to choose a format out of several ones that has to be exported or anything else?
-"created on", "done on": do these refer to the date?
-msg.dlg.person.color.clear = "Clear": does this mean "delete" here? Or rather something like "undo"?
-msg.dlg.project.not.exits.text= "File "{0}" does not exit": Is this a typo here and was supposed to mean "exist" or does it mean that the user can't exit the file?

-"Inserta special character": Does this refer to a person as part of the novel here or to a symbol/letter?

-"Valuetoo long for column". Shorten the text: what does "value" refer to here?
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Answer n° 3
02/12/2016 00:52
by favdb



-first of all, I forgot to ask if I should keep the abbreviation DS or use the initials of my German translation instead.
Please use your translated abbreviation.

-"format to export": Does this mean the user has to choose a format in which he wants to export the data, or to choose a format out of several ones that has to be exported or anything else?
This is a simple text to illustarte le selection of the user, user have a choice for many formats.

-"created on", "done on": do these refer to the date?
Yes, this is relative to date objective.

-msg.dlg.person.color.clear = "Clear": does this mean "delete" here? Or rather something like "undo"?
Yes it is "delete".

-msg.dlg.project.not.exits.text= "File "{0}" does not exit": Is this a typo here and was supposed to mean "exist" or does it mean that the user can't exit the file?
"exit" is an error, it is realy "exist". Don't modify the left part of th line.I'll do that for next version.

-"Insert a special character": Does this refer to a person as part of the novel here or to a symbol/letter?
It is symbol/letter.

-"Value too long for column". Shorten the text: what does "value" refer to here?
Some text have limited size reserved in the data base, this message indicate that the user has to shorten his text. In databse terminology "colummn" seems unique data like a column in a table.
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Answer n° 4
02/12/2016 13:40
by Lena



Thank you very much for your help!
I have some more questions again:

-Export chapter word: what do you mean by that?
-Datais not enclosed by single or double quotes: in which context does this appear?
-msg.graph.pres.balloon = Balloon: what does this mean here?
-memoria: what did you mean here?
-Show in: in which context does this appear?
-order: Which meaning of the word is meant here? The one that refers to the organization of certain elements or rather something like an instruction? Or something else?

-order up/order down: Do you mean to organize elements starting from the bottom/from the top?
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Answer n° 5
02/12/2016 14:46
by Lena



And more...

-set planning shown elements: what does this mean and what is the context?
-gradient background: What exactly is meant by this? Does it refer to the colors used in the background?
-cross platform: What is meant by this?
-motif: is this supposed to be motive? And in which sense?
-nimbus:what is meant here?
-On startup: what is meant here? Is it the same like "on exit", just referring to startup instead?
-search empty: what do you mean by that?
-what exactly is meant by "spelling download"?
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Answer n° 6
02/12/2016 17:42
by Lena



Here are my remaining questions:

-msg.tags.links.delete.all=Do you want to suppress all links for {0} and msg.tags.links.delete=Do you want to suppress this tag link: Is this "Link" in the IT-sense of the word or simply "connections"?
-Change the size for the chronological view: Does this mean that one has to change the size of something in order to make the chronological view possible? Or rather the size of the c.v. itself? and and msg.common.edit.mnemonic=E and should I simply keep the letters or use the first letter of the German translation of file, help, edit etc.? And if so, will it be a problem if the same letter occurs as the translation of different elements?
-msg.dlg.preference.odf=OpenDocument: is this an open document here or does it mean "TO open a document"?

-shef.alt_text=Alt. Text: Is the Alt. an abbreviation for "alternate" here or does it mean something else?
-shef.copy=Copy, shef.copy=Copy: do you mean the noun or the verb here?
-shef.horizontal_rule=Horizontal Rule: what does this refer to?
-match case: does this refer to being aware of whether to write in capitals or in lower-case characters?
-open circle: what of the circle is open? is there a gap or something similar?/solid circle: do you mean it has a "solid" line around it or that it is filled with (black) color?
-search down/search up: what is meant by these?
- -shef.span=Span: do you mean the noun or the verb and in which context does it occur?-strikethrough-subscript: do you mean "subscription"?- m d h: should I use the German initials of year-month-day? and does "h" stand for hour?-credits: what does it refer to here?-tooltips (last three lines of the document): does this refer to suggestions on which tools to use?Sorry for asking so many questions and thank you very much for your help so far
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Answer n° 7
02/12/2016 18:58
by favdb



-Export chapter word: what do you mean by that?
Export number of words in the chapter

-Data is not enclosed by single or double quotes: in which context does this appear?
For exporting in CSV format the data would be enclosed in single quotes, double quotes, or none. This is the none option. (not realy usable with data from oStorybool, but the option exists)

-msg.graph.pres.balloon = Balloon: what does this mean here?
A balloon contains a popup text.

-memoria: what did you mean here?
Memoria is somthing like FreePlane. It is a grapical présentation of relations between scenes, characters, objets, and so on.

-Show in: in which context does this appear?
This is an option menu item which can direct to the view of the selected object to one of Reading view, Chronological view or Manage view.
-order: Which meaning of the word is meant here? The one that refers to the organization of certain elements or rather something like an instruction? Or something else?
It is generaly mean organzitaion of a list of data.

-order up/order down: Do you mean to organize elements starting from the bottom/from the top?
This sort order for a list of data.

-set planning shown elements: what does this mean and what is the context?
Planning is a special view of the author's work to check the progression.

-gradient background: What exactly is meant by this? Does it refer to the colors used in the background?
Yes it is used to specify the gradient color of a background.

-cross platform: What is meant by this?
-motif: is this supposed to be motive? And in which sense?
-nimbus:what is meant here?
Do not translate these items, they are standard layout names.

-On startup: what is meant here? Is it the same like "on exit", just referring to startup instead?

-search empty: what do you mean by that?
This is a tool to search words in the database, if no result so the search is empty.
-what exactly is meant by "spelling download"?
There is a spell checker embeded (JOrtho module) which work with list of known words for the selected language call as a dictionnary. Spelling download is for the action to download a dictionnary not installed.

-msg.tags.links.delete.all=Do you want to suppress all links for {0} and msg.tags.links.delete=Do you want to suppress this tag link: Is this "Link" in the IT-sense of the word or simply "connections"?
-Change the size for the chronological view: Does this mean that one has to change the size of something in order to make the chronological view possible? Or rather the size of the c.v. itself? and and msg.common.edit.mnemonic=E and should I simply keep the letters or use the first letter of the German translation of file, help, edit etc.? And if so, will it be a problem if the same letter occurs as the translation of different elements?
-msg.dlg.preference.odf=OpenDocument: is this an open document here or does it mean "TO open a document"?

-shef.alt_text=Alt. Text: Is the Alt. an abbreviation for "alternate" here or does it mean something else?
Yes this is an alternate text.

-shef.copy=Copy, shef.copy=Copy: do you mean the noun or the verb here?
It is an action (copy/paste).

-shef.horizontal_rule=Horizontal Rule: what does this refer to?
This item is described in the editor module but not used in oStorybook. It is for applying a rule with horizontal constraint.

-match case: does this refer to being aware of whether to write in capitals or in lower-case characters?

-open circle: what of the circle is open? is there a gap or something similar?/solid circle: do you mean it has a "solid" line around it or that it is filled with (black) color?
Also defined in the editor module but not used in storybook.

-search down/search up: what is meant by these?
Search forward or search backward.

-shef.span=Span: do you mean the noun or the verb and in which context does it occur?
Insertion of the HTML SPAN tag

Insertion of the HTML STRIKE tag

-subscript: do you mean "subscription"?
Insertion of the HTML SUBSCRIPT tag m d h: should I use the German initials of year-month-day? and does "h" stand for hour?
Use the translated initials for time words (year, month, day, hour)

-credits: what does it refer to here?
Credits describes all contributions for the development of oStorybook. Your work as translator will be reported there.

-tooltips (last three lines of the document): does this refer to suggestions on which tools to use?
A short text about the tool to use.
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Answer n° 8
03/12/2016 13:57
by Lena



Thank you very much for your help!
So, would "balloon" be the popup itself?
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Answer n° 9
03/12/2016 14:18
by Lena



Oh and could you answer these questions for me, too? Thank you!

msg.tags.links.delete.all=Do you want to suppress all links for {0} and msg.tags.links.delete=Do you want to suppress this tag link: Is this "Link" in the IT-sense of the word or simply "connections"?

-Change the size for the chronological view: Does this mean that one has to change the size of something in order to make the chronological view possible? Or rather the size of the c.v. itself? and and msg.common.edit.mnemonic=E and should I simply keep the letters or use the first letter of the German translation of file, help, edit etc.? And if so, will it be a problem if the same letter occurs as the translation of different elements?

-msg.dlg.preference.odf=OpenDocument: is this an open document here or does it mean "TO open a document"?
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Answer n° 10
04/12/2016 12:14
by favdb



-would "balloon" be the popup itself?
"balloon" with Memoria is for select a représentation type. The alternative choice is "tree". You can learn more withe the installation of oStorybook, download the exemple file "Le médecin malgré lui" and select the view Memoria. Change the representation by selecting the option (in the tab). I would publish more screen capture about this.

-msg.tags.links.delete.all=Do you want to suppress all links for {0} and msg.tags.links.delete=Do you want to suppress this tag link: Is this "Link" in the IT-sense of the word or simply "connections"?
Confirmation message when user ask to delete "tag links". Links are relation between tag and something else like character or scene.

-Change the size for the chronological view: Does this mean that one has to change the size of something in order to make the chronological view possible? Or rather the size of the c.v. itself?
As you like, you can ommit to translate this item it is not used anymore. and and msg.common.edit.mnemonic=E and should I simply keep the letters or use the first letter of the German translation of file, help, edit etc.? And if so, will it be a problem if the same letter occurs as the translation of different elements?
I think it is better to not translate the mnemonics. But you can do it.

-msg.dlg.preference.odf=OpenDocument: is this an open document here or does it mean "TO open a document"?
OpenDocument is a specified format, see the Wikipedia article
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