I'm currently translating Storybook into German and I have
some questions concerning several words of which the meaning/context was
unclear to me:
- Tab orientation/Tab direction: what is the difference between them?
-what do you mean by "flip" in "flip orientation"? to reverse the orientation?
-in which context does "mirror" occur?
-address: In which context does this occur and is it the noun or the verb "address" which is meant?
-what does "function is in beta" mean?
-abbreviations: what does DS stand for?
-what is the "icon file"? is it a file containing and explaining icons one uses in their book?
-what do you mean by "height factor"?
-in which context does ID occur?
-what exactly is meant by "scale layout"?
-in which context do "tag"(s) and "tags links" occur and what exactly is meant by them?
-in which context does "tree" occur? Do you mean the plant or possibly something figurative, such as a family tree?
These are my first questions, I will probably have more.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Best regards,