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Translation team

Here are the names of those who actually participate in the translation:

  • en_us.gif English (US ou GB) : Rory O'Farrell, Mark Coolen
  • catala.png Catalan : Emili Cid
  • Esperanto Esperanto : favdb
  • es.png Spanish : Stephan Miralles Díaz
  • hu.png Magyar : Sinkovics Vivien

In partnership with Permondo

These translations have been possible thanks to the PerMondo project: Free translation of website and documents for non-profit organisations. A project managed by Mondo Agit.
  • bg.png Bulgarian : Siyana Raycheva
  • cn.png Chinese : Feier Yang
  • cz.png Czech : Linda Blättler
  • kr.png Korean : Kyunghee Jung
  • dk.png Danish : Kira Petersen
  • nl.png Dutch : Van Mierlo
  • de.png German : Lena Huber
  • gr.png Greek : Dimitra Andrikou
  • it.png Italian : Flavia Guadagnino
  • pl.png Polish : Kamila El Khayati
  • pt.png Portuguese : Isabella Schiavon
  • ro.png Romanian : Agnes Erika Stan
  • ru.png Russian : Iryna Zubata (Зубата Ирина)
  • tr.png Turkish : Şeyma Aydın
  • ua.png Ukrainian : Roksolana Pavlyshyn

Liste des langues disponibles

Translate : How to translate oStorybook?

1) Which files are to be translated?

There is only one file that contains all the messages that can be translated. This is the located in the src/i18n/msg source code directory.

2) How to proceed?

You must first get the source code of the application. If you are not intend to work on other aspects of the software you can limit yourself to only those files. These are the file for the base language (english) of the software, and file messages _ ??.properties. The ?? be replaced by the language code according to ISO 639-1 (code of 2 characters lowercase).

If the file does not exist so you must create it. Download this (these) file (s) in one of your local directory, I suggest to call it ... oStorybook (original is not it?).

3) I have the files, what have I done?

If you created the translation file, you definitely process by making a copy of the base file. With a standard editor, which uses the same specification text file in Unix / Linux (UTF-8, single CR) just change the right part of the equal sign (=). Be careful though, some messages can fit on multiple lines.

You can also use dedicated tools rather than a simple text editor. For example there is I18N, it's open source. Of course there is also NetBeans.

In case of difficulties, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask on the forum in the "Translations" section.

4) That's it, I finished, what do I do now?

So, you spent a looooong time to do your translation (not so long as that, we must not exaggerate anyway). It is now time to integrate it into the application. The ideal is the formal integration, why just know that your translation is ready and make it available for download somewhere. If you have integrated the development team, no worries, you will make a commit and push.

But, maybe you want to test your work before releasing it. You can do this without installing Netbeans, or recompiling the software. For this you have to execute oStorybook with some more parameters:


java -jar oStorybook.jar --msg /home/me/oStorybook/messages_ru

With this I can test my russian translated file.

If you are not a fan of the command line you have, since version 5.05.00, an option in the Preferences via the button "Change language file".


If you will like to join the translators team subscribe to the dédicated mailing-list. Traffic from this mailing list is very moderate, less than ten messages per year.