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Topic #224 - Comptage des mots dans la version 5.05.05 Alpha
    - by Arctus 26/09/2021 14:59
    - 23 Last answer by Arctus on 02/11/2021 18:54)

Topic #226 - Pb passage à la version 5.05.05
    - by JFG 30/10/2021 12:10
    - 5 Last answer by JFG on 31/10/2021 12:04)

Topic #225 - Issue while opening file on version 5.05.04
    - by Jacx 25/10/2021 14:24
    - Answers

Topic #223 - Issue with seeing/opening files
    - by lczaplys 29/08/2021 15:01
    - 1 answer (by favdb on 29/08/2021 22:21)

Topic #222 - oStoryBook Does Not Have Access to MAC Files/Folders
    - by lczaplys 07/08/2021 14:53
    - 1 answer (by favdb on 07/08/2021 16:33)

Topic #221 - Exportation de l'onglet scènes
    - by Arctus 06/08/2021 12:54
    - 1 answer (by favdb on 07/08/2021 09:17)

Topic #220 - oStorybook Not Opening
    - by MamboCat 17/07/2021 23:18
    - 1 answer (by favdb on 18/07/2021 09:57)

Topic #219 - Images
    - by bob 08/06/2021 12:49
    - 13 Last answer by bob on 23/06/2021 02:24)

Topic #218 - N° de scène et affichage
    - by Arctus 07/06/2021 19:43
    - 2 Last answer by Arctus on 08/06/2021 16:42)

Topic #217 - Chapitre et sous-chapitre
    - by Manonnn 23/05/2021 12:00
    - 2 Last answer by favdb on 25/05/2021 12:50)

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