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Publication version 6.01 - by favdb 01/09/2024 21:02

Official release of version 6.01 with new features:
version 6.01 - by favdb 17/08/2024 08:53

As usual, the new version of oStorybook will be officially released at the beginning of September. In addition to a few bug fixes, this version will feature a new “Challenge” help and motivation function.
6.00 publication - by favdb 21/04/2024 00:01

Version 6.00 of oStorybook is officially available from today.

Version 6.00 in preparation - by favdb 23/03/2024 21:12

Traditionally, a new version of oStorybook is released on April 21st. As in the past, this will be the occasion for some new features. Furthermore, it's been ten years since the software was taken over and made completely open and free. The internal management system is evolving radically. The most visible effect is the reduction in software size. Version 6.00 also allows for some printing, for those who absolutely need a paper rendering of their work. See you on April 21.
Publication of 5.60 - by favdb 01/09/2023 14:51

Version 5.60 of oStorybook is officially available from today. Among the new features you'll find an Idea-Box that you can share between all your projects.

I wish you all the best with oStorybook.

Release of the 5.59 version - by admin 21/04/2023 08:33

Version 5.59 of oStorybook is officially available as of today. Among the new features you will find:
- a "rereading" mode allowing you to annotate your text for possible corrections.
- a search function for synonyms/antonyms
- integration of the translation/customization of the Assistant
- possibility to "zoom" in your text (particularly useful for those who have a high definition screen)

I wish you a good continuation with oStorybook.

Release of version 5.05.08 - by favdb 01/01/2023 00:00

Version 5.05.08 is available. Here are the main changes:

- improved word search
- added keyboard shortcuts in the text editor (non-breaking space, hyphen, line break)
- added EPUB import as new project
- added wizard for Strands and Parts
- redesigned the wizard (XML format)

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