Topic #84 -
Translation into Dutch
- by Reineke 24/11/2016 14:02
I am translating the software for oStorybook into Dutch and have a couple of questions. Could you please explain the following things?
- msg.export.chapter.word- msg.plan.options.title = Set planning shown elements- msg.pref.laf.substance = Substance (is this the name of an LaF?)
Answer n° 1
- by favdb 24/11/2016 17:29
Hello, I am glad that a new language to be translated.
msg.export.chapter.word : export number of words in the chapter. : this is to activate a trace log for debugging.
msg.plan.options.title : title for the options of the planning view.
msg.pref.laf.substance : the name of the Substance Look and Feel, not to be translated.