Topic #111 -
Issue with Item creation - by BillDShroyer 23/01/2017 17:42
Hi there! I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if I violate any of the established etiquette, here. I assure you it's accidental.
I'm having an issue when trying to create new Items. I'll open a new window and enter all the information, then when I update and close it, the information isn't saved. I have to do it again. If I open the window and just type in the name of the new item, and click "update", it appears in the list. But sometimes, I can't get any additional information to update. Sometimes, I can. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for why it sometimes works, and why it doesn't.
It's an extremely useful feature for my style of writing, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. If more information would be useful, just let me know what, and I'll supply it ASAP.
Thanks for your time in any event.
-- L8r, Bill Shroyer
Answer n° 1
- by BillDShroyer 23/01/2017 19:19
Now I'm having the same issue with the Memo feature, and the Tag feature. Trying to add new items just isn't working. Sometimes I can get it to add -part- of it, like if I just type in the name & "Add". Then I can't update it, or add to it. If I try to add a complete new item (with name, text & everything), it'll say "Updated" at the bottom, but it just won't be there, even if I update the window, save the file, close & reopen it - nothing works.
-- L8r, Bill Shroyer
Answer n° 2
- by favdb 23/01/2017 19:39
Can you describe your installation: - oStorybook version - which system - which Java version
You can copy/past the result of Help>About, tab System properties (first lines until "java.specification.version").
Answer n° 3
- by BillDShroyer 24/01/2017 03:13
Thanks for replying so fast. I'm using oStorybook 5.00.02, Windows 10 on a HP Pavilion dv7 notebook PC, Java version 8, update 121 (build 1.8.0_121-b13). Here is the copy/paste you mentioned: