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Aide - Sujet n°223

Sujet n°223 Issue with seeing/opening files
    - par lczaplys le 29/08/2021 15:01

I am having several issues with oStorybook on a Mac.
If I go File>Open Recent then I can see recently opened files.  If I go File>Open then I am not able to see any files.
Also, I downloaded sample *.osbk files. if I move them from Downloads to the folder where I keep oStorybook files I cannot I cannot see them to open. Why?
How do these files differ from the mv.db files?

Réponse n° 1
    - par favdb le 29/08/2021 22:21

Did you do a Google search with the following words:
macos unable to see my folder file
The osbk file extension is a newer replacing mv.db.

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