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Aide - Sujet n°228

Sujet n°228 Weird error when I try to add a new chapter
    - par Mundopaz le 22/11/2021 11:32

I press the add chapter button

This pops up. If the image doesn't show, there's a box with the word editor and an x. But I can't click out of it.
Seemingly no way to get past it and it makes a ringing noise. I just want to add new chapters one at a time.

Réponse n° 1
    - par favdb le 22/11/2021 12:48

 Which button are you talking about? There are several ways to create a chapter.
Which image are you talking about?

Réponse n° 2
    - par Mundopaz le 23/11/2021 01:49

Under "New" the chapter icon. I get the same result when I use the keys ctrl shift c.

Réponse n° 3
    - par favdb le 23/11/2021 17:01

Sorry, I can't reproduce what is happening to you. The beep certainly indicates that you are in a dialog box and that you need to exit it first. What is the "x" you are talking about? Is that the traditional symbol for exiting a window?

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