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active  Topic # 86

01/12/2016 12:43
by Lena



I'm currently translating Storybook into German and I have some questions concerning several words of which the meaning/context was unclear to me:

- Tab orientation/Tab direction: what is the difference between them?
-what do you mean by "flip" in "flip orientation"? to reverse the orientation?
-in which context does "mirror" occur?
-address: In which context does this occur and is it the noun or the verb "address" which is meant?
-what does "function is in beta" mean?
-abbreviations: what does DS stand for?
-what is the "icon file"? is it a file containing and explaining icons one uses in their book?
-what do you mean by "height factor"?
-in which context does ID occur?
-what exactly is meant by "scale layout"?
-in which context do "tag"(s) and "tags links" occur and what exactly is meant by them?
-in which context does "tree" occur? Do you mean the plant or possibly something figurative, such as a family tree?

These are my first questions, I will probably have more.k
Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Best regards,
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Answer n° 11
04/12/2016 18:35
by Lena



Great, thank you very much!
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Answer n° 12
05/12/2016 20:46
by favdb



La traduction est intégrée et sera distribuée avec la prochaine version. Entre temps si un utilisateur en a besoin je pourrai la lui transmettre. Merci encore du travail fait.

The translation is now integrated and would be delivered with the next release. In the meantime, if somebody nead it I would send it. Thank you again for your work.

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