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active  Topic # 124

13/06/2017 19:17
by DonEdwards


1) Export to .docx - get definition from . Since this is an XML-based format, it may (or may not) be possible to reuse a lot of the code from the .html export module.

2) An option for autonumbering - particularly scene numbers but also chapter numbers and anything else that one might like to alter the order of - to be incremented at something other than 1. I like to create scenes 10, 20, 30, etc. Then if I decide to move or insert a scene, I don't have to renumber everything from that point on.
Web site DonEdwards
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Answer n° 1
13/06/2017 21:18
by DonEdwards



3) In dropdowns and checkbox-lists for threads, chapters, etc. (wherever it makes sense) add an option to create a new entry.
Web site DonEdwards
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Answer n° 2
13/06/2017 22:58
by favdb



Hello Don,

The docx format is not an open format, I don't like to export to this one.

A numbering function is a good idea, I'll register it in the roadmap.

For the dropdowns I'll check how it is possible. For the checkbox-list it is allready implemented for the next version.

Thank you very much for your suggestions.
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Answer n° 3
15/06/2017 23:27
by DonEdwards



docx is technically proprietary, but published and open access - lots of different non-Microsoft software supports it. There are even a number of java libraries, some free and some commercial, for dealing with it. Here's one. Here's another.

But if not docx, maybe rtf?

Right now I'm exporting the book as html, hauling it into LibreOffice, editing it to insert page breaks between chapters, and then saving it as docx. Having to do a manual edit is an efficiency-killer and is likely to lead to the "same" document in different formats being edited separately - and thus having different contents.

(By the way, with my current story-in-progress, the result of Export - Book as HTML is nearly 80K in size. Export - Other Formats gives me the following sizes: HTML 589 bytes, XML 89 bytes, TXT 0 bytes.)
Web site DonEdwards
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Answer n° 4
18/06/2017 00:21
by DonEdwards



I just found another issue with html format. If I deliberately put in double carriage returns, it collapses them to one. There's a good reason I'm putting them in.

At present there doesn't seem to be any working format for exporting the entire body of one's book, that includes double carriage returns or supports page breaks between chapters.

(Also, the Export - Other Format dialog offers a way to choose where the exported file is written... but this is then ignored and it's put right next to the database file, and named "book.<format>". If that file already exists, there are TWO prompts asking if it's okay to overwrite.)
Web site DonEdwards
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Answer n° 5
18/06/2017 22:45
by favdb



I will look at all these problems. I think that there are two reports of anomalies:
- Forced line return (a specific button is missing)
- the location of the export which is not respected
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Answer n° 6
18/06/2017 23:22
by favdb



For the page break you can use the style tag (search about "page break html" around the web).
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Answer n° 7
19/06/2017 22:27
by favdb



Line Break is implemented.

I'll do Page Break as an option when exporting in HTML format for all H1 tags in the embeded CSS.
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Answer n° 8
20/06/2017 18:19
by favdb



Page break is implemented as an option for the HTML export in a single file. Checked with print function in Firefox and the open file function in LibreOffice (I hope it works also with MsWord).
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