Hello Michael,
First of all thank you for your positive appreciation on the possibilities offered by oStorybook.
The Wizard is an additional tool that allows you to better define different elements, such as characters. Using the Wizard does not prevent you from using the Attributes as you use them. It is simply an additional collection of rather standardized questions and informations.
You can create your own wizard based on the basic file. So for French I made a more complete version of the file. If you are interested here is the link of this version https://git.tuxfamily.org/ostorybook/code.git/tree/src/storybook/assistant/Assistant_fr.properties The only constraint, if you want to translate the file, is to get the special character codes from French. I will try in the coming days to make such a complete English version.
Of course, when you use attributes systematically you will not necessarily need the Wizard.
oStorybook's goal in this area is to offer you things. You can then use these proposals or create your own information.
The Wizard tab currently shows the raw content of what is stored. In the near future, instead of this raw content I propose to give a more understandable content. So, for your example, it would look like this:
Code :Person
Body=round-shouldered, stocky
Heavyweight=Slight paunch
(Note: I composed this answer in French then I used Deepl to get the translation)