Aide - Aide à l'utilisation - 5.59 - can't open my projects any more

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Aide à l'utilisation - Aide à l'utilisation

le 23/04/2023 13:02
par Volker


Mac OS 12.6.5Java 8
After installing 5.08, afterwards 5.59 and updating Java to version 8.371 (Build 1.8.0_371-b11) I can't open my projects any more. Even not more with the still installed oStorybook versions 5.04.01 or 5.05.03.
5.05.08 can't be used: I can't download the huge installation file "command line developer tools", because we are in vacation.
When using the "file - open" dialogue, the window opens the right path, but doesn't show the files in the folder. If I jump up one level, the minor folders are not shown any more.
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