Merci pour votre réponse rapide.
Tout d'abord, c'était super intéressant de découvrir votre logiciel.
Voici ci-dessous une liste des mots dont j'ai besoin de mieux connaître leur fonction afin de pouvoir traduire en danois.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Key I am not sure
what is meant here. Perhaps key events?
Value Does
this concern the values of the character or is it an IT-term here
Part Creation Duration I don’t understand what the meaning is here
Occurs Does this mean
how many times a character occurs?
Relative Does this mean
that it is relative to something or does it refer to the family situation as in
a relative of the family?
Date Objective Is this in relation to the date
of an event?
Size Objective
surround data between
First Start I need more
information about the function in order to translate into a Danish word that
conveys the same meaning.
Item Assignments I need more information about
the function in order to translate into a Danish word that conveys the same
Global realisation I need more
information about the function in order to translate into a Danish word that
conveys the same meaning.
On exit... What does “on”
signify here? “Upon”, “about”?
Tiny LaF Possibly IT term?
Tonic LaF Possibly IT
Scale factor for "Book View" What does “scale factor” signify
This scene is referenced by at least one other
scene's relative date. To what is the date relative? Or
do you mean a family relative?
Relative date See question above
Layout Direction Do you mean the stage directions
This chapter has assigned scenes. This is a little unclear. Has
the chapter assigned the s