Aide - Aide à l'utilisation - [WEB SITE] User preferences link missing

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le 01/02/2017 02:16
par bodiccea


I spent a lot of time finding out that user settings are on:

However, there is no link to these settings, would it be possible to add one (for instance near the "Logout" button) ?
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Réponse n° 1
le 02/02/2017 22:45
par favdb



The right way to go to the user's preferences is:
- select Log out
- select My account
- go down and select Modify

Yes, it is a little bit complicated, but it is the normal way for this Guppy CMS.
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Réponse n° 2
le 03/02/2017 01:53
par bodiccea



OK, thanks. A little "Windowish" - with the "Start" button smile
Guppy should at least change the default button label Even "Account" or "<username>" would be more intuitive than "Logout", IMHO...
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